Pasadena City College Board of Trustees Meeting: March 18, 2020
- Length
- 02:54:41
- Producer
- Pasadena City College Board of Trustees
- Category
- Educational Activities
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- A. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD (6:00 pm) 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS B. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 1. Government Code §54957: Evaluation of Employee (Superintendent-President) 2. Government Code §54957: Public Employee Appointment (Director, Human Resources; Director, Career Center) 3. Government Code §54957: Public Employee Discipline, Dismissal, Release (2 employees) 4. Government Code §54957.6(a): Conference with Labor Negotiators; Agency Designated Representative: Robert S. Blizinski, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Human Resources 5. Government Code §54956.8: Conference with Real Property Negotiators; Property: 4105 N. Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead; District Negotiator: Dr. Michael Bush, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Business and Administrative Services C. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING (7:00 pm) 1. REPORT OF ACTION IN CLOSED SESSION 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL/REORDERING OF AGENDA ITEMS 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND RECOGNITIONS 6. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS 7. APPROVE MINUTES for Regular Business Meeting No. 9, February 19, 2020 8. APPROVE MINUTES for Special Meeting No. 10, March 9, 2020 9. BOARD COMMITTEES REPORTING OUT D. COMBINED CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approve Consent Calendar Items E.1. - G.17 E. Consent Calendar - Students 1. Ratify CORE trip to Beyond the Bars Conference, New York City 2. Approve TRIO Talent Search Cultural Trip to Pantages Theater F. Consent Calendar - Instruction 1. Amend Consent Item I.13, July 17, 2019 Board of Trustees Meeting - Professional Development for Faculty 2. Instructional and Economic Development Activities for Strong Workforce Program TVR Production 3. Instructional and Economic Development Activities for Strong Workforce Programs Avid Pro Tools Cert & Support G. Consent Calendar - Business 1. Authorize Award: Contract No. B200267 to Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling L.L.C., for “District-Wide Beverage Vending Machines Services” 2. Approve Budget Augmentation - Foster Care 3. Approve Budget Augmentation - Veteran's Resource Center 4. Approve Budget Augmentation - Guided Pathways - State 5. Reporting and Approval of Self-Insurance Fund Reimbursement, Worker’s Compensation 6. Reporting and Approval of Revolving Fund Reimbursement 7. Approve Budget Augmentation - Child Development CSPP Quality Improvement 8. Approve Budget Augmentation - Hunger Free Campus 9. Approve Budget Augmentation - EOP&S & CAFYES 10. Authorization to Dispose of Surplus Equipment 11. Approve Budget Augmentation - Equal Employment Opportunity 12. Authorize Award: Contract No. C200008 to Emcor/Mesa Energy Systems, Inc., for formal Bid No. 1041 "Pasadena City College; Alterations to 2-Buildings: LL building, R-east and R-west: HVAC Replacement, 1570 E. Colorado Boulevard, and Alterations to 1-Building CEC: HVAC Replacement, 3035 E. Foothill Boulevard Access" 13. Approve/Ratify Purchasing Transactions 14. Approve/Ratify Information Technology Expenditures and Technology Equipment Purchases 15. To Increase the Revolving Fund to be able to respond to emergencies 16. Approve/Ratify Contracts 17. Approve/Ratify Professional Conference Attendance H. PERSONNEL (student trustee does not vote) 1. Approve Personnel Consent Calendar H.2. - H.4. 2. Employment, Changes of Status and Separations 3. Approve/Ratify Additional Compensation for Academic Personnel 4. Approval of Request for Reduced Teaching Service With Full STRS Credit I. ACTION ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION No. 641 - INTENT TO DECLARE EMERGENCY CONDITIONS EXIST AT PASADENA CITY COLLEGE 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION No. 640 - IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 105th ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, APRIL 2020 3. NOMINATIONS FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEES (CCCT) BOARD 4. DUAL ENROLLMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH SAN MARINO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 5. APPROVE AND ADOPT THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 6. EDUCATIONAL MASTER PLAN (EMP) 7. ACCEPT THE TENTATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PASADENA AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AND THE PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (CSEA) CHAPTER 777 BARGAINING UNIT 8. APPROVE THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN PASADENA AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AND THE PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (CSEA) CHAPTER 777 BARGAINING UNIT 9. CHANGES TO INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION FEE 10. CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR NOMINATION J. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) UPDATE 2. SUPERINTENDENT-PRESIDENT'S REPORT K. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY SHARED GOVERNANCE REPRESENTATIVES AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2. PROPOSED FUTURE BOARD BUSINESS MEETING DATES 3. PROPOSED FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS L. ADJOURNMENT 1. ADJOURN MEETING